How our PCSOs support our rural communities

“It is the most beautiful place to work in Derbyshire. People come here to visit because it’s so stunning, but we get to actually work here. Nothing compares”.
Being a PCSO in such rural communities can be different from working within the city. Working rurally can often give you more exposure to a larger variation of jobs as the teams are smaller, and the communities are more spread out.
A large proportion of what PCSOs do in rural communities is all about getting to know the locals. Walking around their areas, visiting those who need support, and spending time within the community is at the heart of what they do.
The team also help with missing people searches, door to door enquiries and house visits to support local officers in protecting people.
No day is ever the same for any of our officers, but in the High Peak our calls and reports are often in the centre of fields, difficult to locate and unexpected in nature.
PCSO Hancock said, “jobs are so varied and are often full of surprises. For example, at a tool marking event we held, amongst the normal cars we expected, we had a tractor turn up with its scoop full of the tools they wanted marking. That’s something you only see in Hope Valley!
“I never dread coming to work, being a PCSO for the last few years hasn’t compared to any other job I’ve had. Being a PCSO means that you can make a real difference to the community, you can provide that reassurance locals need. You’re the person they’ll remember, that makes them feel safe and you’re the one they’ll approach and see on the streets. Being able to help people here is so rewarding, I wouldn’t want to work anywhere else.”
PCSO Hope-Smith added, “everything is so different here, it’s just a fantastic place to work. The communities are kind and welcoming. Community outreach is easy as the locals want to actively engage with us, it makes it so rewarding.”
“I am new to the job but love every second. It doesn’t feel like you’re working a ten-hour shift, it just goes so quickly. I’ve worked in shops, been a manager and decided to become a PCSO later in life. I was the oldest student at training school, but it never mattered, I enjoyed the training and love the job.”
If you fancy being the person visible within your community, you can apply for the role of PCSO at